Friday, July 10, 2009

ruby ongoing

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nokogiri vs. hpricot

>ruby r20090711_1.rb

XML Document parsing benchmark

                               user     system      total        real

hpricot:xml:doc            8.656000   0.063000   8.719000 ( 10.875000)

hpricot2:xml:doc          11.329000   0.156000  11.485000 ( 13.922000)

nokogiri:compat:doc        4.406000   0.187000   4.593000 (  5.828000)

nokogiri:xml:doc           4.500000   0.063000   4.563000 (  5.656000)

XML XPath benchmarks (//status/text, //user/name)

                               user     system      total        real

hpricot:xml:xpath         25.890000   0.125000  26.015000 ( 30.938000)

hpricot2:xml:xpath        25.891000   0.094000  25.985000 ( 32.000000)

nokogiri:compat:xpath      1.016000   0.078000   1.094000 (  1.484000)

nokogiri:xml:xpath         0.578000   0.000000   0.578000 (  0.828000)

XML CSS selector benchmarks (status text, user name)

                               user     system      total        real

hpricot:xml:css           19.344000   0.297000  19.641000 ( 23.985000)

hpricot2:xml:css          19.859000   0.156000  20.015000 ( 25.328000)

nokogiri:compat:css        1.203000   0.047000   1.250000 (  1.656000)

nokogiri:xml:css           0.891000   0.000000   0.891000 (  1.297000)

HTML Document parsing benchmark (

                               user     system      total        real

hpricot:html:doc          33.781000   0.250000  34.031000 ( 42.047000)

hpricot2:html:doc         32.641000   0.265000  32.906000 ( 42.953000)

nokogiri:html:doc         35.968000   0.313000  36.281000 ( 44.234000)

HTML XPath benchmarks (//h1/a)

                               user     system      total        real

hpricot:html:xpath         7.782000   0.094000   7.876000 (  9.781000)

nokogiri:html:xpath        0.437000   0.000000   0.437000 (  0.563000)

Easy HTML CSS benchmarks (h1 > a)

                               user     system      total        real

hpricot:html:css           7.656000   0.110000   7.766000 (  9.562000)

nokogiri:html:css          0.469000   0.015000   0.484000 (  0.547000)

Hard HTML CSS benchmarks (div#logo > h1 > a)

                               user     system      total        real

hpricot:html:css          18.906000   0.219000  19.125000 ( 24.156000)

nokogiri:html:css          2.422000   0.016000   2.438000 (  2.953000)

>Exit code: 0