Technology Review: Firefox Aims to Unplug Scripting Attacks
Firefox Aims to Unplug Scripting Attacks How websites can block code from unknown sources. Sites that rely on user-created content can unwittingly be employed to attack their own users via JavaScript and other common forms of Web code. This security is
Gegner von Uniprotesten formieren sich im Netz - - Salzburger Nachrichten
Sie sind hier: HOME » HOMEPAGE » AKTUELL Schriftgröße: 29. Oktober 2009 | 13:48 | SALZBURG | Dank Facebook und Twitter funktioniert die Vernetzung der Studenten besser denn je. Auch die Gegner der Proteste vernetzen sich mittlerweile im Internet. D
E-Commerce, Web Development and Online Strategy by Sydney agency Amblique
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Psyb0t Evolves, Targets Unprotected Linux Mipsel Routers
The botnet was originally thought to be a test, an experiment to see how this technology worked. It was shut down quickly by the botnet operator once its existence became public knowledge.It now appears to have returned, and evolved into a new beast, PSYB
[Ferret-talk] how to update index with acts_as_ferret?
how to update index with acts_as_ferret?
Staat gibt bald mehr Geld für Zinsen aus als für Soziales «
Staat gibt bald mehr Geld für Zinsen aus als für Soziales Das Bankenpaket treibt die Staatsschulden in die Höhe. Denn dieses Geld muss der Bund zuerst am Kapitalmarkt aufnehmen. Wien (jaz). 7,6 Mrd. Euro zahlt Österreich heuer für die Zinsen der Staats
Under the Black Flag: The Romance and the Reality of Life Among the Pirates David Cordingly book data published May 9th 2006 (first published 1996) by Random House Trade Paperbacks binding Paperback, 336 pages isbn 081297722X (isbn13: 97808129772
Security Fix - Don't Get Web 2.0wned
Don't Get Web 2.0wned A recent attack in which tainted banner ads served up rogue software for visitors of popular sites such as , and is a stark reminder of the importance of keeping up-to-date on software patc
Computer security for small businesses – Essential Guide | 21 Jul 2009 |
Small businesses should use adequate computer security mainly because the threats from cyber criminals, hackers and identity theft are very real.
Comcast pop-ups alert customers to PC infections | InSecurity Complex - CNET News
an continue surfing the Web, a Qwest spokeswoma
Sunday, May 31, 2009 The Faces, The FACES, It's ALL About the F**king FACES! (or, the Avatars / Icons, or a Big Butt) DISCLAIMER : i've never really had any professional training in user interface design... and i'm sure that's obvious from my blog font
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Gnip - Delivering the Web's Data
Gnip is radically simplifying the way companies access and integrate the web’s data for use in social and business applications.
Flawed Routers Flood University of Wisconsin Internet Time Server
Flawed Routers Flood University of Wisconsin Internet Time Server
Black Hat ® : The World's Premier Technical Security Conference
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Blog Us Now Global Screening project announced Posted Monday 10 August 2009 Categories Uncategorized Following the success of previous Us Now screenings, Celina Agaton is organising a series of screenings across the globe in association with Net Tue
Wipro Technologies is the No.1 provider of integrated business, technology and process solutions on a global delivery platform. Wipro Technologies is a global services provider delivering technology-driven business solutions that meet the strategic obje
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Twitter Tip: Utilizing RSS & Yahoo Pipes | Search Engine Journal
pretty straightforward.
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Dave’s Tech Blog » Blog Archive » How To Backup A DVD with Ubuntu Linux
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When does ferret / AAF decide to reindex? - Ruby Forum
I am experience situations where accessing the index results in a complete re-indexing of the model. I have not been able to detect a pattern. Under what circumstances does Ferret (or AAF) decide that it ...
Google Begins Fixing Usenet Archive | Epicenter |
Google Begins Fixing Usenet Archive Google has pulled its Google Groups development team out of the basement broom closet and begun patching up its long-broken Usenet library, in response to our story Wednesday highlighting the company’s neglect of the
What’s Next for Google Wave - Digits - WSJ
Google on Wednesday began trickling out 100,000 invites to Google Wave, the company’s fancy new collaboration software. Invites are going to developers, customers and other folks who registered for an early peek. Techies were abuzz , sending their reac
Trendsmap - Real-time local Twitter trends
Introduction is a real-time mapping of Twitter trends across the world. See what the global, collective mass of humanity are discussing right now . Instructions To get started, move/zoom around the map and click on topics for additional
ThisWeKnow: New Semantic Web App Tames Massive Data Sets from - ReadWriteStart
ThisWeKnow: New Semantic Web App Tames Massive Data Sets from
This We Know: Explore U.S. Government Data About Your Community
Most ...
ElasticVapor :: Life in the Cloud: Is Microsoft Starting a Cloud Price War?
Earlier today Microsoft unveiled it's pricing model for its forthcoming Windows Azure cloud services platform. What's interesting about the pricing model is that they seem to be taking direct aim at Amazon Web Services. To recap, Amazon charges 12.5 cen
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.